Texan charter carrier Hillwood Airways (Fort Worth Alliance) is rebranding as "Eastern Air Express" following its recent acquisition by Eastern Airlines (EAL, Miami International) parent Eastern Air Holdings.

A regulatory filing reveals the new name was registered by the US Department of Transportation (DOT) on October 31, 2023, after it found no conflicting issues with the application lodged in compliance with regulations which require air carriers to register alternative trade names with the DOT and notify similarly named carriers.

Eastern Air Holdings acquired 100% of Hillwood Airways in August 2023. The carrier confirmed that Eastern Air Holdings, Inc. has exclusive rights to the "Eastern" name for air transportation and has no objections to Hillwood's use of the trade name. "The Department notes that there are no similarly named air carriers or other issues that require resolution under Part 215," the DOT stated. Hillwood Airways previously rebranded from ATX Air Services (Fort Worth Alliance) (2013-2016).

The new brand should not be confused with Florida-based charter carrier Eastern Air Express (Florida) (Miami Opa-Locka).